Tuesday, October 1, 2002

Louisiana Presbytery’s October stated meeting

P&R News, Volume 8, Number 4, October–December 2002

October stated meeting

The 72nd stated meeting of Louisiana Presbytery was hosted by the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church, Monroe, Louisiana, on October 19, 2002. Mr. Rich Lusk brought a sermon from Isaiah 11:1–10, and the Auburn Avenue Session administered the Lord’s Supper.

Mr. Lusk was examined and approved for ordination as assistant pastor at the Auburn Avenue Church, with a package of $42,500. He noted the following exceptions to the Standards of the PCA:

  1. paedocommunion: he believes that baptized children should be included in the Lord’s Supper, contrary to WLC 177 and BCO 58-2;

  2. he does not believe that general family recreation is unlawful on the Lord’s Day, contrary to WCF 21-8, WSC 61, and WLC 119;

  3. he does not think that the term “covenant of works” (cf. WCF 7-2) is an accurate way of expressing the pre-fall relationship of God with man, and prefers the term “covenant of life”;

  4. he believes that the private administration of baptism is permissible in extreme (emergency) situations, contrary to BCO 56-2;

  5. he believes that suspension from the Lord’s table should not be differentiated from excommunication, contrary to WCF 30-4, BCO 30-3 and 36-5;

  6. he subscribes to Calvin’s four office view (pastor, teacher, elder, and deacon) contrary to BCO 8-1 and 8-4.
The Rev. Dr. Jim Jones, the Stated Clerk of Presbytery, recorded his negative vote on approving the portion of the ordination examination which covered the sacraments. . . . Presbytery elected the following officers for 2003: Stated Clerk, Jim Jones; Treasurer, Volney Pierce; Moderator, William R. Smith.

The Rev. Steve Wilkins gave the closing devotional on Isaiah 64.